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Did God create over billions of years?
The god of an old earth is not the God of Christianity.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
The flat-earth myth and creationism
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
Does the Bible say pi equals 3.0?
Does the Bible say pi equals 3
by Russell Grigg
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Should we trust the Bible?
Since CMI is based on the Bible, why should the Bible be trusted? Does our current text represent the original, and is the original accurate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is the raqîa‘ (‘firmament’) a solid dome?
Is the raqîa‘ (‘firmament’) a solid dome?
by James Holding
Jonah and the great fish
by Russell Grigg
Using the Bible to prove the Bible?
Jesus’ words break the circle.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?
Sex-selection abortion has resulted in killing girl babies, leading to a surplus of men. This is a dilemma for today’s abortion-on-demand feminists, who betray the pro-life stance of the feminist founders.
by Lita Sanders
What’s in a pronoun? The divine gender controversy
A number of respondents to a UK survey disagreed with a ‘male God’. But what does the Bible teach, and what does it mean for people of both sexes?
by Lita Sanders
Errors in the Bible?
If there are errors of detail in the Bible, doesn’t that mean that everything—including the Resurrection—is open to question?
by CW & Lita Cosner
Has the New Testament been corrupted?
The New Testament is the most well-attested ancient work—and we are finding new manuscripts even today!
by Lita Sanders