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Page 8 of 12 (134 Articles)
“Theology made reject creation”
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
by Lita Sanders
Life: worthless or priceless?
Is it okay to abort deformed babies?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Taking a stand
Is evolution needed for biological research? Does biblical creation hinder scientific research?
by Don Batten
Biblical creation has the answers
Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Everything is theological
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be energised and strengthened by the powerful content and brilliant graphics
by Lita Sanders
History denial
Modernists may sneer at the idea of Genesis as history but it’s the foundation for good science as well as vibrant Christianity.
by Philip Bell
Different understandings of origins?
How important are different understandings of origins?
by Shaun Doyle
Curious about Curious Earth
Tips for starting a creation evangelism market display
by Tas Walker
Biblical Unity
Biblical unity is very important, but how does the Bible define it? Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
by Joel Tay
“It’s not my job to save people!”
Remembering our role in evangelism can encourage us when sharing our faith.
by Gary Bates
Apologetics – a steppingstone, not a crutch
Avoid a pitfall: don’t let apologetics become a crutch for your faith!
by Paul Price
Countering indoctrination
Creation magazine is a powerful tool
by Don Batten