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Age of the earth
Data from many different sources point to a young age for the cosmos; not billions of years.
by Don Batten
Is the age of the earth important?
My Christian friends don’t think it is
by Tas Walker
The lost squadron
WWII fighter planes abandoned on a Greenland glacier were found 50 years later, already under 75 metres of ice.
by Carl Wieland
The earth: how old does it look?
How old does the earth ‘look’ to you?
by Carl Wieland
Tree ring dating (dendrochronology)
by Don Batten, Ph.D.
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein—even more confirmation!
Mary Schweitzer announces even stronger evidence, this time from a duckbilled dino fossil, of even more proteins—and the same amazingly preserved flexible blood vessel and cell structures as before.
by Carl Wieland
Evidence for a Young World
by Russell Humphreys
Modelling biblical human population growth
The number of people alive today best fits the premise that we all descend from Noah and his family who survived the global Flood.
by Robert Carter and Chris Hardy
Where have all the people gone?
There are nowhere near enough people if we have been here for a long time.
by Silvio Famularo
Comets and the age of the solar system
by Danny Faulkner
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year overturns claims of great age.
by Mark Matthews
Probing the earth’s deep places
Interview with plate tectonics expert Dr John Baumgardner.
by Carl Wieland and Don Batten