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Refuting Evolution chapter 8: How old is the earth?
Free chapter on the Earth's age and ‘dating’ methods, from the world’s best selling creationist book (after the Bible!).
by Jonathan Sarfati
15 Questions for Evolutionists
The teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.
by Don Batten
Made in the image of God
What does it mean that human beings are ‘made in the image of God’?
by Russell Grigg
Did humans evolve from apes?
This commonly asked question has wider implications when the origin of life is considered.
by Don Batten and Warren Nunn
Adam, Eve and Noah vs Modern Genetics
It’s in our genes—that is, evidence that we all come from just two people, and that there was subsequently a dramatic population crash.
by Robert W. Carter
Origin of life
The origin of life remains a vexed problem for those who would like to be rid of God the Creator.
by Don Batten
‘It’s not science
Attempts to dismiss creation as ‘religious’ do not stack up logically.
by Don Batten
Refuting Evolution
A handbook for students, parents, and teachers countering the latest arguments for evolution
by Jonathan Sarfati
Where are all the people?
How could the human population have grown to seven billion from the eight survivors of Noah’s Flood only 4,500 years ago?
by Don Batten
Marxism, law and evolution: Marxist law in both theory and practice
Marxism is still influencing contemporary legal thinkers, but what sort of society will law without God lead to?
by Augusto Zimmermann
The Tower of Babel account affirmed by linguistics
How the account in Genesis 11 accurately records the origin of different languages.
by K. J. Duursma
Refuting Evolution chapter 1: Evolution & creation, science & religion, facts & bias
by Jonathan Sarfati