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Defining arguments away—the distorted language of secularism
How key terms in the origins debate have been defined to slant the ‘rules of engagement’ between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
by Shaun Doyle
Does ‘deep time’ make sense?
As we look at the foundations of the ‘billions of years’ historical framework, are the foundations rock or sand?
by Shaun Doyle
Questioning ‘How to debate a creationist’ by Michael Shermer
A skeptic gives advice about how to debate creationists, but he unwittingly shows the religious nature of his position.
by Murk Post
Fibre optics in eye demolish atheistic ‘bad design’ argument
Is our eye harmed by ‘backward wiring’? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cheating with chance
Why analogies like the lottery and rare poker hands don’t rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis.
by Don Batten
Naturalism in the light of reality
There’s more to reality than naturalism can fathom …
by Robert Gurney
The evolutionist who was anti-God and anti-Darwin
by Russell Grigg
Evolution Answers Book?
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released April issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Philip Bell
15 Questions for Evolutionists
The teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.
by Don Batten
Atheist spat
A strategy of subterfuge and stealth? Or to attack Christianity with all guns blazing? The ‘moderates’ and the ‘new atheists’ struggle to unite against their common creationist enemy!
by David Anderson
A tale of two fleas
A simple parable cuts through the nonsense claims that, regardless of the evidence, it is ‘unscientific by definition’ to conclude in favour of divine creation as an explanation of origins.
by Carl Wieland
Reading the Bible and understanding nature
A review of The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science by Peter Harrison
by Lael Weinberger