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Stunning Stonehenge!
‘Stone Age’ relic of post-Babel construction?
by Gavin Cox
Wild, wild floods!
Two catastrophic floods were responsible for separating the British Isles from Continental Europe.
by Emil Silvestru
Terrorism and Europe’s spiritual vacuum
Threats to peace and stability generally (such as fear of terrorism) are not disconnected from the increasing moral and spiritual vacuum in our post-Christian western nations.
by Philip Bell
Why was the UK once totally under water?
See how uniformitarian data about the geology of the United Kingdom supports the reality of the global Flood.
by John D Matthews
Solar activity, cold European winters, and the Little Ice Age
A concept known as the charge modulation of aerosol scavenging (CMAS) may help researchers unearth the causes of severe European winters.
by Jake Hebert
Humanism: neither healthy, nor humane
Chaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards?
by Gavin Cox
Norway’s live ‘unstable’ Mount Mannen surprises geologists
Geological forces could cause a devastating landslide.
by Ari Takku
How did the Fjords form?
Were they carved by the glaciers or was it something else?
by Tas Walker
The Birka Pinhead
Viking ‘Dragons of the Sea’ defy evolutionary theory
by Philip Robinson
Humanists UK seek to ‘ban repentance’!
Will it be legal to encourage repentance from sexual sin?
by Gavin Cox
Eddystone Lighthouse
How God’s design inspired the enduring design of John Smeaton’s Eddystone lighthouse.
by Grant Williams
Mossdale Caverns, Yorkshire Dales, England
How were caves like this formed?
by Ron Neller