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A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young
How do billions of years of light travel time fit into Creation Week?
by John Hartnett
‘Early’ galaxies don’t fit!
Hubble Space Telescope infra-red photos of distant galaxies support biblical cosmology.
by Andy McIntosh and Carl Wieland
‘He made the stars also …’ (Genesis 1:16)
Interview with Ph.D. full professor of astronomy, Danny Faulkner
by Carl Wieland and Dr Jonathan DSarfati
Saturn—the ringed planet
This beautiful giant ringed planet baffles evolutionary astronomers.
by Spike Psarris
Bye-bye, big bang?
A high-redshift quasar within lower-redshift galaxy NGC 7319 disproves traditional big bang assumptions demonstrates secular astronomer Halton Arp.
by John Hartnett
Has the ‘smoking gun’ of the ‘big bang’ been found?
Media headlines make people think that some astounding scientific ‘proof’ has been discovered. The reality is far less spectacular.
by John G Hartnett
Where are we in the universe?
Are we anywhere near the centre?
by John Hartnett
Black holes and Lilith: reality and myth (respectively)
Is there any evidence for the existence of black holes? And did Adam have another wife named Lilith?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The ‘big bang’ and other dark matters
How should creationists respond to claims that dark matter has been found?
by John Hartnett
Earth is ‘too special’?
Evolutionists propose that Earth formed by itself from dust particles colliding together. But astronomers are realizing that this just-so story requires some incredibly unlikely ‘coincidences’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Mars: a dry lifeless planet that once had huge floods.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Why is Dark Matter everywhere in the cosmos?
Despite no verifiable evidence in support of dark matter, its existence is being presented to the public as established fact.
by John Hartnett