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Refuting Evolution Student Worksheet
Refuting Evolution Student Worksheet
Why is England burning?
13 Aug 2011
Shocked by the recent rioting throughout England, people have been asking why it is happening. Only the Bible has the answers.
by Dominic Statham
Ice core clamour
02 Dec 2012
CMI hoses down a blizzard of objections from a rabid anti-creationist.
by CMI
Genesis 1 and theories of origin
16 Feb 2012
Dr John Dickson responds to Prof. Zuiddam’s criticism of his attempt to make room for secular origins ‘science’ in Genesis 1 and Prof. Zuiddam replies.
by John Dickson and Benno Zuiddam
Dismantle the big bang
05 Mar 2007
Evolutionary views of the universe sprang, not from a biblical understanding of history, but from efforts to explain origins without God or the supernatural. Yet the big bang concept has major flaws which even some evolutionists now recognise are fatal to its validity.
by Alexander Williams and Carl Wieland
President Obama okays funding embryonic stem cell research (but removes adult stem cell funding)
19 Mar 2009
President Obama now forces taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research, but will this save lives or take them? And he rescinded funding for proven life-saving somatic stem cell research
by Lita Sanders
Does the soul violate physics?
26 Dec 2015
How can our souls influence the physical realm without violating the conservation of energy?
by Keaton Halley
Field studies in the Columbia River basalt, Northwest USA
by John Woodmorappe & Michael J. Oard
Dwelling with God: From Eden to the New Jerusalem
22 Oct 2015
Throughout history, God has had special places where He has dwelt with His people.
by Lita Sanders
Marvin L. Lubenow, M.S., Th.M.
Marvin Lubenow
by anon
‘Go to hell, creationists!’
30 Dec 2008
A rowdy demonstration at a German university shows that ‘tolerance’ does not extend to creation and the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big-bang dissidents
19 Sep 2008
CMI speaker and respected physics professor John Hartnett, who represented his university, gives his impressions.
by John Hartnett