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How is it that I never knew?
21 Feb 2022
Tas Walker’s editorial from the latest Creation Magazine
by Tas Walker
A fantastical dinosaur journey
18 Feb 2022
The standard evolutionary story of dinosaurs, but full of holes.
by Phil Robinson
Biblical Unity
17 Feb 2022
Biblical unity is very important, but how does the Bible define it? Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
by Joel Tay
Does God exist?
15 Feb 2022
Is there objective evidence that God exists? What are the consequences of atheism? Where did God come from? Can we know God personally?
by multiple authors
AI Almighty
14 Feb 2022
How evolution undergirds the belief that AI will one day take over.
by Ari Takku
Why is sin attractive?
12 Feb 2022
Did God make sin that way? Or is there something inherent in what sin is that makes it attractive?
by Shaun Doyle
Amphibian responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens—implications for Noahic Flood recovery
11 Feb 2022
Responses to the 1980 eruption and its implications for recovery from Noah’s Flood.
by Keith H. Swenson
Still time to join CMI’s upcoming Egypt tours!
08 Feb 2022
As CMI’s tours to Egypt approach, we interview Gary Bates to find out what our supporters can expect.
by Erin Hughes
Jonah’s witness to the Creator God
07 Feb 2022
Jonah’s story is about more than the whale
by Lita Cosner
How did Adam and Eve ‘become like God in knowing good and evil’?
05 Feb 2022
What did Adam and Eve learn? How did God ‘know good and evil’?
by Shaun Doyle
Do five dropstones define another Proterozoic cold period?
04 Feb 2022
Are there other interpretations consistent with the Bible and Noah's Flood?
by Michael J. Oard
Evidence for human evolution?
03 Feb 2022
Isn’t it simply nonsensical to gainsay the large amount of scientific evidence for evolutionary anthropology?
by Philip Bell