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‘Once upon a time’
‘Early Cambrian’ arthropod fossils showing ‘exceptionally preserved eyes’ with ‘modern optics’ should be an eye-opener for evolutionists—but they resort to ‘spin’ instead
by David Catchpoole
Is evolution true?
When the arguments used to support evolution are examined, how many actually pass muster?
by Don Batten
Origin of life
The origin of life remains a vexed problem for those who would like to be rid of God the Creator.
by Don Batten
The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity
The best thing to use in the fight against a religion is actually another religion.
by John G. Leslie, Ph.D. and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D.
The portrayal of creationists by their evolutionist detractors
Where they are not ignored, creationists are invariably disparaged and misrepresented.
by Philip Bell
Herbert Spencer
Spencer is most (in)famous for applying survival of the fittest to human society—the strongest and fittest should flourish, while the weak and unfit should die!
by Russell Grigg
Evolutionary legal theories
The impact of Darwinism on Western conceptions of law
by Augusto Zimmermann
15 Questions for Evolutionists
The teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.
by Don Batten
Marxism, law and evolution: Marxist law in both theory and practice
Marxism is still influencing contemporary legal thinkers, but what sort of society will law without God lead to?
by Augusto Zimmermann
Familiarity breeds … respect?
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the current issue of Creation magazine. Subscribers are delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Evolutionary naturalism: an ancient idea
Not original to Darwin but the revival of an ancient idea.
by Jerry Bergman
Ernst Haeckel
Ernst Haeckel perpetrated multiple frauds to promote evolution including his infamous embryo drawings.
by Russell Grigg