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Darwin’s illegitimate brainchild
If you thought Darwin’s Origin was original, think again!
by Russell Grigg
Origin of oxygen more complex than imagined
Contradictory observations mean more trouble for naturalistic theories but the problems disappear within a biblical perspective.
by Barry Tapp
Is evolution ‘scientific’?
America’s National Science Education Standards specifies certain criteria as to what constitutes scientific knowledge. How does evolution rate?
by Calvin Smith
Is evolution pseudoscience?
Evolutionists’ own criteria for identifying a ‘pseudoscience’ show that evolution itself is a pseudoscience.
by Mark Johansen
Peacock poppycock?
Darwin’s attempt to explain how the peacock’s tail evolved is being sharply criticized—by evolutionists.
by David Catchpoole
Is the evolutionary tree turning into a creationist orchard?
Genome sequences of microorganisms create problems for the evolutionary tree but support the biblical ‘kind’ concept.
by Pierre Jerlström
Evolutionary Stasis
Are scientists guilty of using language that serves to distort or disguise the facts?
by Philip Bell
‘It’s not science
Attempts to dismiss creation as ‘religious’ do not stack up logically.
by Don Batten
Life: Incredibly created by God
Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 8 Episode 6 Life: Incredibly created by God
by Thomas Bailey and Matt Bondy
The Fantastic Theory
The Fantastic Theory, or how the myth of evolution came about
The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
by David A. DeWitt, Ph.D.
Irreducible complexity: some candid admissions by evolutionists
Some evolutionists acknowledge that it is a very serious problem for evolutionary theory
by John Woodmorappe