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Could the Flood have been tranquil?
John Fleming proposed a tranquil Flood that left no trace. But then, why are scoffers without excuse? Could there be a tranquil flood any more than a tranquil explosion?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Hybrid approaches to Creation
Is there a middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
by Robert Carter
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?
Do we need to ‘unhitch’ the Old Testament from the New Testament?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
BioLogos misreads Jesus on the age of the earth
Theistic evolutionists at BioLogos make a vain attempt to sidestep Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.
by Keaton Halley
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?
Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
by Lita Sanders
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth
They may appear to be genuine shepherds, but many are leading their flocks astray.
by Don Batten
Refusing to be muzzled
A church job offer depended on agreement not to talk about creation; what to do?
by Don Batten
Hugh Ross Church Fathers
What Hugh Ross used to say about the Church Fathers on Genesis, and why he had to retract (quietly).
by Jonathan Sarfati
“What?… Teach my children unbiblical ideas?”
Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
by Joel Tay
The importance of the age of things
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Darwin’s corrosive influence on literature and society as a whole
A confronting look at the impact of God-hating, influential writers.
by Jerry Bergman
Ark objections
An objection to a scale model of Noah’s Ark reveals the real reason so many people reject the Flood.
by Marc Ambler