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10 answers from biblical creationists: Part 2
Clergyman and geologist Michael Roberts has thrown down the gauntlet to creationists with 10 provocative, and supposedly unanswerable questions about their ‘young Earth’ belief! (Part 2 of our answer)
by Gavin Cox, Lucien Tuinstra
More than a billion years missing from the Great Unconformity at Grand Canyon?
How Noah’s Flood solves long standing geological puzzles
by Michael J. Oard
Flood meteorite bombardment
What do 4 Vesta and achondritic meteorites tell us about the origin of impactors from the Flood bombardment?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
Opalised fossils or pseudofossils
Can opals and opalised fossils form quickly under the right conditions?
by John Hartnett
Ancient Roman concrete
The Ancient Romans understood the correlation between natural sedimentary rock and man-made concrete
by Jonathan O'Brien
The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea
What was the pre-Flood continental configuration?
by Timothy L. Clarey and Davis J. Werner
Indonesian mud volcano keeps erupting
Geological forces inside the earth unleash disaster
by Tas Walker
What’s a billion years between friends?
How easy it seems to simply adjust an age that does not fit the evolutionary long-age narrative. Sometimes, there are no qualms about changing a ‘date’ by a billion years!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Submarine canyons bigger than Grand Canyon
Carved as Noah’s Floodwaters receded
by Michael Oard
The uniformitarian puzzle of mountaintop planation surfaces
Uniformitarian scientists cannot explain how planation surfaces exist throughout the world, but the evidence clearly points to the biblical Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—“a quite different way of analyzing the record”
Understanding the earth’s geological record is undergoing a radical rethink.
by John K. Reed
Long-distance boulder deposits reveal Noah’s Flood
When rocks are found great distances from their place of origin, what explanation best fits such an occurrence?
by Michael Oard