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Land bridges after the Flood
What place do land bridges have in the post-Flood dispersal of animals?
by Michael J. Oard
Mightiest, 'multi-million-year-old' millipede
A newly discovered fossil of Arthropleura, a giant millipede, provides good evidence of having been buried during Noah’s Flood.
by Gavin Cox
Egypt’s Great Pyramid, pre-Flood, or post-Flood? Questions answered!
Commenter believes The Great Pyramid of Giza, was constructed before the Flood. CMI’s Gavin Cox responds.
by Gavin Cox
Colonial nesting or hurried egg laying by dinosaurs?
Can Noah’s Flood explain dinosaur eggs clumped together?
by Michael J. Oard
‘Snowball Earth’ out with a bang?
How could the earth get out of a global glaciation?
by Edward Isaacs
What’s a billion years between friends?
How easy it seems to simply adjust an age that does not fit the evolutionary long-age narrative. Sometimes, there are no qualms about changing a ‘date’ by a billion years!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Speleothem growth
A question is asked about sceptics’ responses to creationists using speedy growth rates of speleothems under man-made structures to illustrate speedy natural cave formations
by Gavin Cox
The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021, and other Icelandic volcanoes
Recent Icelandic volcanoes highlight major changes to landform in a matter of months and years.
by Andrew Sibley
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 3—Flood and Ice Age variables
How were speleothem growth variables affected by Noah’s Flood and its aftermath?
by Michael J. Oard
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 2—growth rate variables
What variables affect the growth rate of speleothems?
by Michael J. Oard
Order in the fossil record
How can Noah’s Flood explain it?
by Shaun Doyle
The Pinatubo eruption—catastrophic pyroclastic flows and lahars
How does the Mount Pinatubo eruption support Flood geology?
by Andrew Sibley