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The flat-earth myth and creationism
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
A skeptic falsely accuses creationists of lying about human and ape similarities
An evolutionist accuses creationists of lying, but the accusation proves to be utterly false and instead reflects badly on the accuser.
by Don Batten
Dawkins’ Ironic Hypocrisy
Misotheists like Dawkins attack creationist teachings, but give credence to wacky ideas like ‘Jesus never existed’ rejected by historians. Other antitheists like Bill Maher hold even wackier views, e.g. rejecting germ theory.
by James Patrick Holdingi
Reincarnation vs Creation
How should Christians respond to the growing popularity of Buddhism and the associated idea of reincarnation?
by Steve Cioccolanti
The Importance of Evidence
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David Catchpoole
Disconnected from reality
Why the trend to move away from the solid truth of God’s Word to subjective moods and feelings?
by Grant Zippel
A new age of quantum madness
You and I help to create the physical world, including the laws by which it operates? Bizarre mystical notions like this are increasingly being taken seriously by top scientists.
by Carl Wieland
The Haggard tragedy
When a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?
by Carl Wieland
Exposing the truth about creationists
Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 8 Episode 11 Exposing the truth about creationists
Is the earth a flat disc or globe?
Answering from observations of the moon’s phases.
by KeeFui Kon
Our post-critical thinking society
Psychologist Dr Julia Shaw says our society is ‘post-fact’, and she’s fine with that!
by Paul Price
Created or evolved?
What’s the evidence for creation, in the debate with evolution? Here’s how to make sense of this vital origins question.
by David Catchpoole