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The Attenborough eye-worm argument against God
The esteemed presenter of memorable nature documentaries has a standard answer when asked about a creator.
by David Catchpoole
God and the beginning of the universe
Could God have entered into time?
by Shaun Doyle
Does CMI’s commitment to Scripture mean we throw out contrary evidence?
A reader asks us to clarify whether CMI has a blind allegiance to the Bible.
by Keaton Halley
The fingerprintless family
Rare mutation in a Bangladeshi family means they lack fingerprints. Is this evolution in action?
by Phil Robinson
Is God “not a very nice guy”?
God killed the entire population of the earth, except Noah and his family, during the Flood. Was this evil?
by Lita Sanders
Christianity and the origin of religion
Did we just invent religion? What was the original religion? Was Christianity copied from pagan religions?
by Shaun Doyle
Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—Answered
Answers to challenges from a popular YouTube apologist, who posted an intellectually dishonest hatchet job on young-earth creation.
by Keaton Halley
Responding to supposed refutations of genetic entropy from the ‘experts’
Evolutionist scientists on Dr Swamidass’ blog try their hands at refuting Genetic Entropy!
by Paul Price, Robert Carter, John Sanford
Apologetics – a steppingstone, not a crutch
Avoid a pitfall: don’t let apologetics become a crutch for your faith!
by Paul Price
When we let the doubts win
Is there a way back to trusting God again?
by Shaun Doyle
‘Atheist atrocities fallacy’?
What is it? Is it a real fallacy? How do we respond?
by Shaun Doyle
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: wrong on God, evil, and miracles
Neil DeGrasse Tyson misunderstands the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of miracles.
by Shaun Doyle