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Countering the Assault on Eyewitnesses
A frequent claim repeated by skeptics: “Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable.” Let’s investigate this claim.
by Paul Price
Göbekli Tepe shows evidence of geometric planning
Göbekli Tepe is one of the world’s oldest architectural sites and is associated with early biblical history. It reveals further secrets demonstrating the mathematical and engineering knowledge of post-Flood man.
by Phil Robinson and Robert Carter
“Theology made reject creation”
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
by Lita Sanders
Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust
What can the famed character Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park teach us about forensic investigations and historical science?
by Paul Price, Robert Carter
‘The dingo’s got my baby!’
Carl Wieland chats with Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton.
by Carl Wieland
The parable of the cupboard and Genesis 1:29–30
A simple parable to help you in your conversations with Christian old-earthers.
by Paul Price
William Lane Craig on creation and anthropology
Responding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve.
by Lita Cosner, Paul Price, Robert Carter
Responding to liberal scholarship on Behemoth
Some liberal scholars are advancing a ‘lewd hypothesis’ about the description of Job’s behemoth in Job 40:17.
by Paul Price
Answering coronavirus and flat earth questions
Is coronavirus the start of the end times? And if flat earth is wrong, why isn’t the entire universe backlit by stars?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Question Evolution Day
Darwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Christian theology and the rise of Newtonian science—imposed law and the divine will
How God’s sovereign freedom undergirds the scientific enterprise.
by Dominic Statham
Darwin’s real message: have you missed it?
Darwin’s real message—have you missed it? Some evolutionists really do understand its materialistic implications.
by Carl Wieland