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Hitler the evolutionist; Hitler the pantheist (Hitler the atheist—Yes)
What was Hitler’s worldview? A review of Hitler’s religion by Richard Weikart
by John Woodmorappe
When atheism seems easy
How should we respond when amoral atheism feels easy to believe?
by Shaun Doyle
Atheism, evolutionism and families
Are atheists really gentle homebodies in the ‘quiet middle’? Or are they actually rabid provocateurs at the noisy extreme?
by Douglas Oliver, Stuart Burgess
Warm early Eocene Antarctica
There was a time when one of the world’s coldest and iciest regions was much warmer.
by Michael J Oard
Proclaiming Creation in a scientific age-->
Contrary to the tired old mantra, ‘science has disproved the Bible’, biblical literate and scientifically informed Christians can (and should) proclaim creation with well-founded confidence.
by Philip Bell
Unintelligent Design?
Evolution, it is claimed, removes the need for a designing intelligence of life on Earth, but this amounts to the logically absurd proposition of ‘Unintelligent Design’.
by Mike G Matthews
Design and intelligence—taking the high ground
Where can you get information to tackle head-on the Skeptics’ supposed ‘objections to design’?
by Carl Wieland
Atheists in the pulpit—the sad charade of the Clergy Project
When the American Atheists convention was told “I’m a pastor currently serving a Methodist church … and I am an atheist”, the crowd hooted and clapped for over a minute.
by Dr Albert Mohler
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis
The New York Times released an opinion piece recently that perfectly illustrates how evolutionists cannot live consistently with their worldview.
by Paul Price
Aussie bushfire crisis
How should we respond to Australia’s current bushfire situation?
by Clare Williams
Is God obscure and arbitrary in what He wants from us?
A skeptic overlooks the fact that God has made Himself known to us in various ways when he claims that He treats humans unfairly.
by Shaun Doyle
Climate change & terrorism: a new political agenda?
Whatever the reality of the current gloomy climate predictions, the current bandwagon is such that some have even compared normal scientific scepticism to terrorism.
by Emil Silvestru