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What all atheists have to believe
Have you ever been curious to know what atheists believe? Here are three things that all atheists must adhere to be intellectually satisfied.
by Calvin Smith
The failure of evolutionary orthodoxy
A columnist claims that religion leads people to despoil the environment. Is he right, and why should the evolutionist care?
by Lita Sanders
A vase of flowers—by special arrangement!
Flower folly: A vase of flowers shows the foolishness of believing nature-is-all-there-is.
by Don Batten
Animal cruelty and vegetarianism
The Bible calls people to treat animals humanely, but does that mean we should be vegetarians?
by Lita Sanders
A biblical basis for ecology, with applications in mycorrhizal symbioses in orchids
How can we use the Bible as a basis for understanding the interrelationships between different organisms in the ecosystem?
by Tom Hennigan
Müller cells refuting Dawkins: feedback
Many atheopaths are reeling from the demolition of their hero Dawkins by the new Müller cell discoveries in the eye.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The alleged ‘backwardly wired’ retina versus Dawkins
Dawkins’ latest book The Greatest Show on Earth purports to provide the proof of evolution. A new discovery further vindicates our refutation, The Greatest Hoax on Earth?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is Atheism a religion?
The ‘seven dimensions’ of religion can be found in atheism.
by Daniel Smartt
Atheists credit the Gospel
Two high-profile atheists concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity’s teaching about man’s place in the Universe
by David Catchpoole
Countering the Rise of Atheism
The atheists refused CMI’s offer to a debate so CMI arranged a public seminar on the same weekend as their global convention where people could hear what the atheists tried to hide.
by Tas Walker
Can you “hurt” someone by not believing the same as they do?
Why do some atheists declare ‘hurt’ and ‘offence’? Perhaps to put Christians on the defensive to stop them from giving answers to what the world is teaching.
by Calvin Smith
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system
Nazis were Darwinists so they did not accept the idea of God-ordained human rights. Instead, they believed that the ‘stronger’ would have the ‘right’ to dispossess and destroy the ‘weaker’.
by Augusto Zimmermann