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The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis
The New York Times released an opinion piece recently that perfectly illustrates how evolutionists cannot live consistently with their worldview.
by Paul Price
Answering question about 5G and COVID-19
People have concerns about the new 5G technology. Other mix in fear of the coronavirus to stir the pot of conspiracy theory. The answers are actually easy to find.
by Dr Robert Carter
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vent?
Have chemical evolutionists proven that life could have evolved from non-living chemicals in hydrothermal vents?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Ethiopia’s ‘little Edens’
How the church in Ethiopia preserved biodiversity.
by Lita Sanders
A patronizing letter to the author of Genesis
Former Bishop of Edinburgh The Right Reverend Richard Holloway blames Genesis for the world’s environmental problems and tells the Author of Genesis he has been badly misunderstood!
by Gavin Cox
Smart faith in a digital age
Smart phones and social media, though amazing digital resources, are portals for information of all sorts, some of it wrong or harmful—use them profitably and wisely!
by Thomas Fretwell
Aussie bushfire crisis
How should we respond to Australia’s current bushfire situation?
by Clare Williams
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith.
by John Woodmorappe
Senseless cynical censorship
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government to ban creation in Welsh schools
by Gavin Cox
The skeletons in evolution’s closet
The co-authors of Contested Bones talk with Creation magazine
by Joel Tay
Hitler the evolutionist; Hitler the pantheist (Hitler the atheist—Yes)
What was Hitler’s worldview? A review of Hitler’s religion by Richard Weikart
by John Woodmorappe
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy.
by Paul Price