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Page 9 of 17 (204 Articles)
Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what’s it about?
To some, design is a ‘no-brainer’. To others, it’s the thin edge of the wedge. How should we view it?
by Carl Wieland
Conspiracy and doomsday scenarios: should Christians be worried?
Was the US Government really behind 9/11? Is destructive weather really being generated by secret ‘scalar interferometry’ weapons? Are such claims true, and what should Christians do about it?
by Andrew Lamb
Secular sermons
As expected, this older book from Dawkins is a misotheistic tirade. Not only is it full of errors, it fails to show why his own atheistic faith solves the problems.
by Lael Weinberger
Chemists in stew about intelligent design
Another open minded editor finds himself in hot water from the censors.
by Tas Walker
Ibn Khaldun: 14th-century Islamic evolutionist
‘Man came from monkeys’ was proposed by an Islamic evolutionist in the 14th century!
by Russell Grigg
Stereotyping atheists?
When does generalizing a particular belief become stereotyping?
by Don Batten
Answering uninformed atheists on DNA complexity
Design of the genetic coding machinery, with its inter-related components, thwarts materialistic explanation. Evolution is thus a deduction from materialism not science.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Qu’ran, Messianic prophecy and Christianity
A brief look at Islamic and Judaistic arguments against Christianity.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger
A new study shows that Hans Asperger actively assisted the Nazi eugenics policies.
by Russell Grigg
Darwinism has remade Western society—for the worse
A look at how evolutionary thinking has impacted society far beyond the scientific realm.
by John Woodmorappe
‘Plants rights’? The latest evolutionary absurdity
An evolutionary “ethics” committee in Europe bizarrely decrees “plant rights”. This is the logical outcome of denying man as created in God’s image.
by Lita Sanders
Organized complexity—how atheistic assumptions hinder science
Can the problems of ordered complexity be solved by using the tools of randomness?
by Russ White